Perfil de Broker

Adam Tahir
Adam entered into the Marine Industry aged 25, and worked as an Account manager for almost 8 years at After a couple of years, Adam took on the role of Senior Account Manager and looked after many of the key accounts, including Sunseeker. Now employed within the Sunseeker Brokerage Division Adam is looking to use the knowledge gained from working with the top companies in the industry to help ensure further growth and insight for the Sunseeker Brokerage Group and it’s members.
Adam is a sport enthusiast! He has a strong love for football and cricket, and has recently taken up golf. He loves socialising with friends and family, eating out lots and having fun! For anyone who has worked with Adam for a length of time, they will know that he loves a colourful excel document, folders, subfolders and a bag of Haribo!
Adam has many great achievements and memories including marriage to his wife and the births of his 2 daughters, but the memory that sticks for him is winning players player and supporter’s player of the season for Albion Football Club age 10, and at the award ceremony the medals were given out by Matt Le Tissier who is a local legend (in Southampton).